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[E] CrafterHoulic
[E] CrafterHoulic
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over 11 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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I would like to have my X-ray habits forgiven because it was an honest mistake that I made, and bad judgement. I did not follow the servers rules and that is my fault, and my responsibility. I continued to use X-Ray even after reading that it would result in a ban because I did not believe it would be hurting anything/anyone. (Still breaks the rule though..) Although, nothing I say will probably convince you otherwise of having malicious intents, one of the reasons I was using X-ray in the first place was to look for name tags, which then escalated into diamonds for tools. To again stop the use of X-ray, I could use a 100% efficiency mine instead of just mining to the valuables. Everything in the Admins statement is true, I even remember some parts that he explained. Although he did not mention my cousin who was with me the whole time, cooldude2222. He does not use X-ray. I really hope I can regain all trust over time, and I would start by having an admin go through my things and take whatever they thought is necessary, if you feel that needs to be done. Trust and honesty are great things, and I will give everyone my complete honesty, as I am to you.
over 11 years ago
Darkpsy, Thank you and I hope we can work something out.
over 11 years ago
Username: CrafterHoulic Banned on: April 14th, 2014 Banned by: (not sure) Reason of Ban: Using X-Ray Server: Agharta I did use X-Ray, not going to lie. I was completely aware that it was a banning offence, as it is on most servers, however being a guest for 48 hours I was just trying to get some supplies for the modern house I was building. I was not using X-Ray in a way that could give me an advantage over other players, but I do understand that it's still considered cheating. I was just told, that my sister came on this morning and ended up finding 45 diamonds with the aid of X-Ray. I can see why the account was banned now. I hope that my X-Ray habits can be forgiven, and I will definitely downgrade to the stock Minecraft version so there are no offences in the future.
over 11 years ago